On the 27th of July 2017, Kuala Lumpur ACM SIGCHI Chapter was officially formed. It was initiated in November 2012, as an independent interest group, formerly known as SIGHCI Malaysia. The group was formed, among others, to:
- establish and strengthen the link between the practitioners, academicians, researchers, and government agencies.
- create awareness of the importance of HCI at the academic level and in the industries.
As a community of professionals who are interested in research, education and the practical applications of HCI, we create and shape how people interact with technology and understand how technologies have impacts on people’s lives. We conduct various user research and UX methods to co-create business and government solutions with the participation of stakeholders.
We do consultation on usability issues and offer UX strategy to organisations when dealing with interfaces and interaction in the physical and the digital world. In addition, we advise companies and government agencies by discovering useful and impactful co-design innovations. From the research perspective, our members’ research is on numerous topics to explore and design the best ways possible for people to best experience technology.
We are also registered under the ROS with the name Association of Human-Computer Interaction Malaysia on the 16th of October 2017.
Our short history is featured in the Interactions magazine. Contact us: myhciux@gmail.com